Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Game On

Yesturday, I decided to watch Daddy play Call Of Duty 4 (XBox Game). He was giving me strategies on how to beat the enemy. I think I might have learned a few things, like if you don't hit the buttons fast enough, you die. I saw Daddy die a lot. Someday I will play this game but for now I am learning more about strategies. In other words, research on how to beat Daddy.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Recently, I was Dedicated at my church. Now, I am not sure I understand this whole Dedication thing. Mommy says that for now on that God is going to take care of me. I am still waiting for God to feed me my bottle, change my diaper, rock me to sleep, play with me, and so on. I bet when he does show up Mommy and Daddy will finally be able to keep that house of theirs clean. There is always bottles everywhere along with burp cloths. Well, I guess I will just have to keep waiting. Hurry up God, I am not getting any younger by the minute.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My New Pacifer

Today, I have found a new pacifer. I find this one much better than the plastic one . This new pacifer doesn't taste like plastic. This one is also nice and warm. I think it's a good new fit for me. Although it doesn't mean I won't switch to the plastic pacifer from time to time. Sometimes you just got to go to your original roots.