Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Flintstones Family

This Halloween I am dressing up like Pebbles, atleast that's what Mommy says. She says we have to dress like these cave people called the Flintstones. I don't know who these people are but they need better tips on fashion. We look silly dressed like this. Poor Obie has to be put through it all as well. I am sure am glad I am not a dog. I suppose I am okay with wearing this outfit as long as I don't have to wear it to church. I have a reputation to keep you know. I look and act cute all the time. Don't let my parents tell you any different. Grandma and Grandpa know the truth.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

My New Bath

Today Mommy put me in a new bathtub. I think its because I am starting to get really good at sitting up all by myself. Mommy says that Grandma McDonald bought the bathtub for me. Mommy also gave me a new toy, Cow, to go with my new bathtub. I think she's trying to bribe me with a new toy so that I will like my new bathtub. Don't tell her but I think it's growing on me. Oh, I forgot to mention that my new bathtub makes a loud quack noise. It goes, "Quack, Quack, Quack." I have never heard that sound before. I am still trying to figure out why my bathtub makes noises. My other bathtub didn't. So, I guess I will be floating in this bathtub these days unless Mommy decides to put me somewhere else. I better get a bigger toy if Mommy moves me somewhere else.