Sunday, January 18, 2009

Why So Far Apart?

Last week I got to see my new cousin, Georgia. We even got to take our pictures together. Although I don't know why Uncle Kevin sat so far apart from me. I wonder if I smelled like poo. My Daddy didn't sit far away from me. It's probably cause my Daddy is used to that poo smell. Oh well, next time I will try harder to reach for Georgia.

Waiting On Mommy

Yesturday, Mommy put me in my bath tub with all my bath toys. She said she needed to get ready for church. I played with my toys for awhile but it just wasn't the same without water in my tub. So, I started to get fussy and whine. It works everytime with Mommy. I have her number. So, Mommy handed me a brush. What am I going to do with this? I hardly have any hair on my head. So, I just put it in my mouth and leaned back on the wall. I watched Mommy put stuff on her face. I wonder if she will give me that stuff she put on her face if I give her my my fake cry sound again...