Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Rolled Over Today!

Alright here's how is happened. I was lying on my back, in my crib, and Mommy decided I needed some tummy time. I don't know why she is so obsessed with tummy time. So, Mommy put me on my tummy and started making all these silly faces at me. I just had to laugh at her because she makes the craziest faces. You would laugh too if you saw what I saw. Then, I just decided I had enough tummy time and rolled over. The world is so much better looking at it on your back. When your on your tummy you see a lot of the floor, not so exciting. I get bored staring at the same colors. The floor doesn't even do anything like sing, or make flashing lights. I had enough and felt like seeing something else so I rolled over. Mommy was so excited she started to cry. I am not sure if I should try rolling over again. If she is going to keep crying everytime I roll over then forget it.

Friday, September 19, 2008

I Will Not Lie Down and Take It Anymore!

For the past five months I have been lying on the floor and watching the world as it goes by. Recently, I have discovered a better life called Sitting Up. Who knew that life could be so much more fascinating when you sit up. Daddy tried to put me in my bouncer seat so Mommy and him could enjoy a nice meal. Well, I had other plans. You can't expect me to lie down when I know that sitting up is so much better. The air even smells better. Think about it, when your lying on floor what is the closest smell to you, your dirty diaper. When I am sitting up my nose is a lot higher from my dirty diaper therefore the air smells better. No more smells of pee or poop just a nice, clean, airy, smell. So, I decided I am sitting up for now on even if I have to work on it everyday. Out with the smell and in with the newness of the world.

Friday, September 12, 2008

What Will I Be For Halloween?

You know Halloween is just around the corner, so Mommy says. I don't really know what it is but Mommy says its a day when you dress up. I try to tell Mommy, in code, that I dress up every Sunday in my best Sunday clothes for church but she doesn't seem to understand me. I need to get her some books on How To Read Baby Code. Although this outfit she put me in is a little off the wall. I have definitely never worn it to church and I hope that I never do. Those babies there will laugh me silly. We have conversations you know. They say at church that prayer works in my sunday school class, well I have just started praying for Mommy. I hope that it works.