Saturday, October 18, 2008

My New Bath

Today Mommy put me in a new bathtub. I think its because I am starting to get really good at sitting up all by myself. Mommy says that Grandma McDonald bought the bathtub for me. Mommy also gave me a new toy, Cow, to go with my new bathtub. I think she's trying to bribe me with a new toy so that I will like my new bathtub. Don't tell her but I think it's growing on me. Oh, I forgot to mention that my new bathtub makes a loud quack noise. It goes, "Quack, Quack, Quack." I have never heard that sound before. I am still trying to figure out why my bathtub makes noises. My other bathtub didn't. So, I guess I will be floating in this bathtub these days unless Mommy decides to put me somewhere else. I better get a bigger toy if Mommy moves me somewhere else.

1 comment:

RD said...

Dearest Lainey, I love your new bath! You look very beautiful and elegant reclining is such a nice tug. Quacks mean I love you. Mommy and Daddy want the duck to say Quack to you to tell you that you are love during your bath. My oh my you are very darling as Pebbles.
Your Mommy and Daddy are cute too. I was a Grande Lupe and Larry was Panchy Villa, We Love YOU All!