Monday, June 22, 2009

I Love Grass!

I just love when Mommy takes me outside. My favorite thing to do is pick at the grass. I am just so fascinated with it. Mommy keeps taking the grass away from me and wiping my hands off. I don't know why. She should enjoy grass as much as I do. I even like to take the grass and put it into my swimming pool. Daddy says that Mommy is a little OCD because as soon as I put grass in the pool she has to go and scoop the grass out of the pool. I don't know what OCD is but it sounds fun. Sometimes I try to help her scoop out the grass with my shovel. Although it never fails my attention is stricken with the grass again and I am back to grabbing a handful of grass and putting it back into the pool. I just love grass.

Friday, February 27, 2009

I am Teething!

My Mommy says that I am teething now. She says that she sees a white pearly tooth. I am not sure what she means but it sure does hurt. Mommy likes to give me cold wash cloths to put in my mouth to stop my gums from hurting. I like to stuck the wash cloth until its not cold anymore. Some how Mommy knows when to replace the old wash cloth with a new cold wash cloth. It's like magic. I am not sure how a cold wash cloth always gets in my mouth but it just magically appears. I wonder if Daddy can do that.

Monday, February 23, 2009

New Car Seat

Recently, Mom and Dad bought me a new car seat. They said that I was getting to big for my previous car seat. I like my new one because I get to sit forward facing in the back seat. No more of me looking at trees going by, I can now look at trees coming towards me. It's like a whole new world to me. My mom says this new car seat is like the Cadillac of car seats. It is nicely cushioned like a recliner. I am not sure what that means but it is a bit more comfortable to sleep in. I tested that out yesturday as Mom and Dad were out shopping for some bibs and sippy cups for me. I think I will hold on to it for awhile or until I out grow this one.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Why So Far Apart?

Last week I got to see my new cousin, Georgia. We even got to take our pictures together. Although I don't know why Uncle Kevin sat so far apart from me. I wonder if I smelled like poo. My Daddy didn't sit far away from me. It's probably cause my Daddy is used to that poo smell. Oh well, next time I will try harder to reach for Georgia.

Waiting On Mommy

Yesturday, Mommy put me in my bath tub with all my bath toys. She said she needed to get ready for church. I played with my toys for awhile but it just wasn't the same without water in my tub. So, I started to get fussy and whine. It works everytime with Mommy. I have her number. So, Mommy handed me a brush. What am I going to do with this? I hardly have any hair on my head. So, I just put it in my mouth and leaned back on the wall. I watched Mommy put stuff on her face. I wonder if she will give me that stuff she put on her face if I give her my my fake cry sound again...

Friday, December 19, 2008

First Sight Of Snow

Recently, I saw my first sight of snow, that's what Mommy calls the white stuff. I call it something new to put inside my mouth. I thought it tasted pretty good so I reached over for more once I was finished with the one in my hand. Mommy kept telling people on the phone later on how shocked she was that I didn't realize that the white stuff was cold. I am not sure what she is talking about. If I can put it in my mouth and it tastes good who cares about if its cold. Unfortunately, I haven't seen anymore of this white stuff. I am on the look out though. Call me if you see any sightings.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Flintstones Family

This Halloween I am dressing up like Pebbles, atleast that's what Mommy says. She says we have to dress like these cave people called the Flintstones. I don't know who these people are but they need better tips on fashion. We look silly dressed like this. Poor Obie has to be put through it all as well. I am sure am glad I am not a dog. I suppose I am okay with wearing this outfit as long as I don't have to wear it to church. I have a reputation to keep you know. I look and act cute all the time. Don't let my parents tell you any different. Grandma and Grandpa know the truth.