Monday, June 22, 2009

I Love Grass!

I just love when Mommy takes me outside. My favorite thing to do is pick at the grass. I am just so fascinated with it. Mommy keeps taking the grass away from me and wiping my hands off. I don't know why. She should enjoy grass as much as I do. I even like to take the grass and put it into my swimming pool. Daddy says that Mommy is a little OCD because as soon as I put grass in the pool she has to go and scoop the grass out of the pool. I don't know what OCD is but it sounds fun. Sometimes I try to help her scoop out the grass with my shovel. Although it never fails my attention is stricken with the grass again and I am back to grabbing a handful of grass and putting it back into the pool. I just love grass.

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