Friday, February 27, 2009

I am Teething!

My Mommy says that I am teething now. She says that she sees a white pearly tooth. I am not sure what she means but it sure does hurt. Mommy likes to give me cold wash cloths to put in my mouth to stop my gums from hurting. I like to stuck the wash cloth until its not cold anymore. Some how Mommy knows when to replace the old wash cloth with a new cold wash cloth. It's like magic. I am not sure how a cold wash cloth always gets in my mouth but it just magically appears. I wonder if Daddy can do that.

1 comment:

RD said...

Oh my, that does hurt. And washcloths are the best because you can bite them too. Your mommy has a special touch I think just knowing when to give you a new cold cloth. Can your daddy do that?
Daddies are good at tickles and stories. Great GMas & Aunties are good at spoiling.